Oh my days, this list-of-Alfred-Workflows repo 😲
Oh my days, this list-of-Alfred-Workflows repo 😲
Anyone else find that after upgrading shared Reminders, syncing is broken between your devices and those of the people with whom you’re sharing those lists?
I’m experimenting with not wearing my Apple Watch unless I’m working out; the S2 is showing it’s age.
Put on my old Hamilton automatic, and it feels like an old friend. Set the date and time, wound the crown twice, and it sprang back to life after 3 years without missing a beat.
After several hours of writing and reflecting, my goals for the year are finally sorted out.
Whatever yours may be, I hope 2020 finds you happy and healthy. 💖
Spent a couple of hours this morning reflecting on how 2019 went—took ~7 pages in my (A5) notebook.
I have yet to go through my weekly retros to see if what I’m feeling today paints an accurate picture the year, but it does capture my current frame of mind, so that’s something.
“Life is happening at me!”
Ooh, 25% off Flickr Pro through Thursday, December 26th: https://www.flickr.com/account/upgrade/pro?coupon=25in2019&utm_campaign=eoyb-holiday-2019-25off&utm_source=Flickr&utm_medium=email&utm_content=letter
(One of my goals for 2020 is to get back to taking and sharing photos.)
Heat don’t fail me now
How many times do you have to tell Slack to “never ask again” about enabling notifications?
Like maybe I have a very different definition of “never”, I dunno
Well I’ll be — Xcode (finally) supports multiple cursors! When was this added?
(Use CTRL + SHIFT + click to insert a new cursor.)
Doing my weekly retrospective a little later than usual. I use this time to review how last week went, and how to make next week better, but it’s also about spending an hour checking in with yourself, and making sure you’re okay.
Ugh, we ordered one of these last week to replace our early-2011 MBP.
A photo from a perfect winter morning.
We’re a couple of days into December already. If you’re into new-year resolutions, this is a great time for a dry fit of the changes you’re planning on making in 2020.
Finally exploring how Drafts can be my text-and-automation Swiss Army knife on iOS.
Every Cybertruck order comes with a garment made of yellow spandex, a metal garbage can lid, and some Christmas lights, to really complete that authentic “fell off the set of The Running Man” look.
My S2 Apple Watch is at the point that this is what I see when I launch the timers pop — and neither button does anything. The only way I can start a timer is via Siri or by rebooting the device. 😂
So I’ve got angelostavrow.dev — but I’m not yet sure what to do with it. So far everything lives at angelostavrow.com, which is mostly just a blog, but I just registered angelostavrow.blog, so… I think I’ve got some fun projects to work on?
Been treating some back pain lately, including an occasional massage.
Every time I lie down on the table: this is gonna be so chill and relaxing
Every time I get up from the table: I feel like I’ve been beaten with a sack of potatoes
On the plus side, changing back to Standard Time has me waking up long before my alarm goes off for at least a week!
(Flip side: I’m passed out on the couch at 8:30pm.)
🎙 Episode 15 of Make Before Break is out
Is iOS getting worse at detecting the words I’m typing, or are my thumbs just getting stupider?
I’ve been building stuff on the web for a while now, and I still think CSS is approximately 26% sorcery
First time I’ve ever seen that. Gusts of over 100 km/h were feeing particularly intense earlier today. 😬
It’s Hallowe’en, so we went to a matinée showing of Zombieland 2. It’s more of the same, which isn’t a bad thing — I enjoyed the first film.
(We have a thing for zombie flicks, so your mileage may vary.)