@manton an interesting question: what’s more important to smartphone users today: access to TikTok, or blue bubbles in iMessage?
Will this precipitate a market share shift from iPhone to Android in the U.S.?
@manton an interesting question: what’s more important to smartphone users today: access to TikTok, or blue bubbles in iMessage?
Will this precipitate a market share shift from iPhone to Android in the U.S.?
@Lutheran hello there! 👋
@Miraz I can relate! I have a recurring tendinitis in my thumb from a few years back and this happens to me once in a while too. I keep meaning to look into remapping my CapsLock key to Command when this happens, but never get around to it. 😅
@patrickrhone goodness, yes. To your health. 🍻
@mergesort.me So many indies (and bigger orgs!) forget that these emails are part of the overall user experience. I appreciate anyone that puts the work into it.
@borum.dev I can’t speak with a whole lot of experience on this, but my feeling is that sandboxing is a limitation primarily on developer or system tools, but not so much on more typical B2B or B2C apps.
Am I wrong? I’d love to better understand the issue.
@artkavanagh Sure, but real to whom?
/me taps forehead